Procedure for Lower Eyelids

As we age it is common to develop puffiness beneath the eyes, often referred to as “bags” under the eyes, making us look tired even when we are well rested. This is primarily caused by excess fat and can be corrected with a procedure called transconjunctival blepharoplasty.

This procedure involves an incision inside the lower eyelid through which excess fat is removed. Sutures are rarely needed for this type of incision, and when they are, they are undetectable to the eye and self-dissolving. Since the incision is inside the eyelid, no scarring results.

Patients with excess skin in addition to eyelid puffiness may benefit from a chemical peel in addition to this procedure. The chemical peel is applied to the lower eyelid skin, tightening the skin and reducing wrinkles in this area.

Another procedure that may be used for the lower eyelids is called transcutaneous blepharoplasty. The incision site is just below the lash line, and both excess fat and skin are removed through this incision. Fine sutures are used to seal the incision. Your surgeon will discuss with you which procedure is best suited for you.

Twilight anesthesia is usually used for patients undergoing lower eyelid surgery.

Procedure for Upper Eyelids

Upper eyelid surgery is usually paired with lower eyelid surgery for best results.

For this procedure, incisions are made along the creases above the upper eyelid, through which excess fat and skin are extracted. The incisions are closed with fine sutures, so scarring is extremely minimal.

Patients are placed either under mild twilight anesthesia for this procedure, or local anesthesia with an intravenous or oral sedative.


Patients experience little to no pain after surgery. Cold compresses are used for the first two days to reduce swelling and bruising. After these two days, patients often resume their daily schedules, though strenuous activity should be avoided for 1 week post surgery. After one week, the sutures are removed.

The effects of eyelid surgery usually last an entire lifetime and can make the largest aesthetic improvement to the face with the most minimally invasive of techniques.

Lindsey Erickson – NP


Lindsey is a board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner who received her bachelor’s degree in nursing at The Ohio State University in 2010. She received her master’s degree and family nurse practitioner certification in 2013 from the University of Cincinnati. Lindsey has worked in aesthetic medicine for eight years and aspires to help patient’s achieve their self-improvement goals by enhancing their natural beauty. She and her husband have two children. In her free time, she enjoys camping and boating with her family.

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